Helloooo Food Truckers!
First let us say this. We love having you! Our customers love having you and you help us keep things interesting! Who doesn’t love interesting? So variety is the spice of life! We could blow smoke up your tailpipe all day long but that’s not why you are here, so let’s get down to business! Your business!
If you are interested in becoming a food truck vendor at the Fairport Brewing Company keep in mind you will need to get a permit from the village of Fairport. (We don’t charge anything, we are just glad you want to serve our customers! They’re hungry!) But the village does!
Please contact the village at (585) 425-0313 and ask to speak with the building inspectors office. Permits are for one year and we believe they cost $100 (don’t quote us- they reserve the right to change that at anytime) Be prepared to have proof of health dept. clearance and maybe a police check. Why not?
FBC requirements – Yes we have requirements too!!!
1. You will need to supply your own power. We don’t have extension cords available.
2. You will need to supply your own trash can for your left overs!
3. You can’t have a loud generator. It’s just un-cool if people can’t talk or hear the music.
4. No drinking on premises! You are not allowed to drink beer when you are working on our property. Clear?
5. No trading with the hungry staff at all!
6. You are going to need a permit from the Village of Fairport. If you don’t have one you can discuss dates with us and we will hold dates until you have it.
7. Check our calendar for availability unfortunately we don’t work on a first come, first serve basis (we have to check things out…we do check reviews). And come-on be nice! You can’t hog all the dates! Any day of the week is available to you. Weekends go quick but there are plenty of other days we are packed as well. Email us at admin@fairportbrewing.com to discuss dates.
8. If you commit you must commit. If you back out last minute for a better gig, it will be your last gig at FBC. We are in it to win it, so don’t let our hungry customers down!
9. Be pre-sent-a-ble! You can’t come here to embarrass us! Your equipment must be clean and in good working order! Food trucks in the past have been asked not to come back. We are the gateway to the village and we want to put our best foot forward.