June 14th, 2014 @ 5:30pm marked the 100th and final mug being sold in the FBC mug club. That also meant the clock started ticking for next years enrollment which means, there could be some opportunities for those that prepare well in advance!


The renewal window for our current mug club members will run from May 1 to May 31, 2015 and the renewal membership will be $52.

So, how do I get in?

When someone vacates their membership at the end of the term it opens up their slot for the next person on the waiting list. If you are that next person you will be notified by one of our bartenders on Monday June 1st, 2015. If there is no one on the waiting list that slot goes up for sale to the public.

If you want to be on the waiting list simply Email us here

Please include a phone number and the number of mugs!