April 11, 2013
Today we announce that we will be moving our retail and current 1/2 barrel brewery over to 99 South Main Street in the Village of Fairport. Channel 8 reported the story. The move will be in two phases. Phase one will involve moving the retail operations and phase two will involve moving our current brewing equipment to the village where it will be used as a pilot brewery for test batches, holiday batches and classes. We are truly excited to be in one of the best locations in the village and would like to thank the Fairport Office of Economic Development for helping us make this happen. This move will coincide with a Kickstarter campaign (Kickstarter.com) to help raise money for the new 3bbl brewery that will be housed at our current Turk Hill location. We are finishing up the details of the Kickstarter campaign now and hope to be campaigning early next week. Kickstarter.com provides a platform for small business and start-ups to raise capital for creative projects.